Saturday, August 23, 2014

Daily Easter Egg #29: Samus' Ship in Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze

One of the greatest parts about Nintendo is how creative they get with making cross-game references. Every main title Nintendo game has some reference of some kind to the rest of the world of their magical games. Today we are exploring the deep jungles of Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze to find such reference.

Swinging and bashing your way through a level in the game, you might go right past this easter egg if you aren't looking for it. The egg has the same shade as the background, so it actually took me a little bit to see it, myself. Looking by a tree at one point, you can see Samus Aran's spaceship from the beloved Metroid series. The space hunter must have had a pretty big bounty to invade the world of DK and friends.

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